The full moon - so magical and full of energy. On a full moon hike from dusk into the night, we can leave everyday life behind us and experience nature with all our senses. We will use the power of the moon around the campfire and experience a harmonious, energetic full moon incense burning.
On a full moon evening, the moon shows itself in its full splendor. It is exactly opposite the sun and is completely illuminated by it. The moon stands for intuition, instinct, for the magical and mysterious. It has a great influence on nature, animals and us humans. Many feel this on and shortly before the night of the full moon, are nervous, restless and sleep badly. Incense can help to relax and absorb the energy of the moon's rays. We can use this energy to achieve our goals.
We will start with a half-hour full moon hike and walk from dusk into the night. This allows us to leave everyday life behind us, calm down and consciously perceive nature. We will then warm up by the campfire and experience a harmonious, energetic full moon incense burning. Strengthened by the power of the moon, we will then make our way back together and bring the full moon evening to a close.
Where: Sunnwend' herbal school in Schalkl near Altfinstermünz
Duration: approx. 3 hours
Registration: On the sunnwend' website or by phone or WhatsApp +43 650 322 94 20
Cost: € 25.00 per person incl. light refreshments
Important information: Wear good shoes and warm clothing! Bring a headlamp or flashlight!